Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Soccer in West End

PGIC Soccer Team Competes in 5 a side Competition

Time: Saturday the 9th May

Place: Davies Park, West End

Event: West End Carnivale

PGIC was lucky enough to enter two teams in the competition. They went by the names Green Team and Red Team.

The team was lucky to be invited to the event which was held at a music festival. The "Carnivale" was a big event with 20 music groups performing and entry was $45 per ticket.

Check out some of the photos and look for the PGIC team members:

Roberto Cedeno Lopez, Seok Ho Cha, Dong hoon Jeong, Daegeon Jeong, Roberto Lopez Uekandiu, Yuta Moriishi and Camilo Santiago Perez.

After the event, our players were able to look at the sights and enjoy the music for the rest of the night.

Thank you to Greg Wharton and Colin Palmer who were able to assist the team throughout the day. They have been invaluable in their efforts coaching and playing every Wednesday and Saturday.

Colin has actually been heard around campus quoting that he was leading goal scorer ... but we don't know where he got that stat from?


Greg did actually lead the tournament in shots missed, AND missed by the greatest amount.

Well done guys.

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